The duo of JB and Jazz discuss their experiences with Ramattra, give new players some tips on how to deal with him, revisit the Overwatch Counseling Couch, and go through some of the biggest changes in the 12/6 patch.
This week JB, Jazz, and Wildtree talk about season 2, Ramattra, their feelings about AI, and tease us all about what they'll be talking about in the next episode. Links to some of the things they talk about are below.
Is the Blizz crew listening to the show? Based on the patch notes and the Executive Producer's article, it sure seems like it! We talk about the article and the latest patch notes along with hero changes this week. And Wildtree doesn't join us because HE'S PLAYING DIABLO IMMORTAL WHILE WE RECORD!!
TheBigJB, SSRJazz, Wildtree, and Triumphy are back and all over the place in this episode! We intend to talk about new player strategies, new hero Ramattra, hero balance, playing support, and how to make the Battle Pass better. We do end up getting to all of those, but we cover so much more that we can hardly remember enough to put into this description.
It's here! It's finally here! Overwatch 2 has released and what an insane journey it was. Triumphy (Brandon), TheBigJB (Josh), Wildtree (Dave), and Jaezzy (Jeff) all talk about their experiences, what's new, what new players can expect, and try to stay positive.
Kind of an odd episode. Even though Dave and JB start by talking grief then old black-and-white TV shows, we promise they get to the main topic: why we constantly come back to Blizzard products.
Uberview is back! (Listen all the way to the end of this one for a special treat.) With the announcement of Junker Queen and more information about Overwatch 2, we could hardly keep the guys away. Wildtree, SSRJazz, and TheBigJB return to talk about Overwatch 2 Beta, hero redesigns, the Battle Pass, and more!