What a year it's been! We can hardly believe it's been a full year of Overwatch. It feels both longer and shorter than a year in various ways. In this show we talk all about the achievement Blizzard and the Overwatch team have...achieved. We also discuss loot boxes (our favorite topic), RNG, new skins & dances, Jeff Kaplan's statement about competitive play, and how Dave has never been more wrong.
Special guest Captain Energon joins the guys this week to talk all things Overwatch! They discuss upcoming changes, lootboxes, cool community stuff, a possible Overwatch Anniversary Event, and the excellent banter between Wendy's and Overwatch twitter accounts.
In this week's show we learn how much Brandon will pay for foreskins...er we mean FOUR skins. The guys vent their spleens about the current lootbox and event price system, gush over HotS 2.0, discuss new maps and assault map changes, and talk quite a lot about competitive mode.
The latest event is incredible! And not necessarily focused on a particular season. JB and Brandon sing their praises and also talk about how much they'd be willing to pay for skins they want instead of loot boxes. Especially the fan-created Betrayer skin for Reaper.
We're all mixed up! All this stuff from Overwatch is making its way to Heroes of the Storm! First it was voting and now it's lootboxes! We talk about this, JB's separation anxiety, how we like Orisa now, and how Dave and Brandon hate skins.
Dave isn't quite ready for the love of a big, metal, lady robot. But who knows? Maybe after this week's episode he'll be open to try some new things. We talk all about Orisa, some other hero changes that released along with her, and share some ideas on what a cool Overwatch mobile app could be.
Orisa, the 24th hero for Overwatch, is here! We talk about her, Brandon advocates playing the Nintendo Switch instead of Overwatch, JB tested Dave's theory about groups in comp play, there's a new Bastion comic, and Kaplan is pissed about people exploiting custom games for XP. Plus we're all missing Dave this week, who lost his voice. :(
Patch 1.8 dropped with changes to Bastion, Mercy and Competitive Season 4. Dave and Brandon bore the crap out of everyone with their talk of competitive season four, and Dave claims to love us but still doesn't want to comp with us.
The 24th Overwatch hero is going to be Pumpkin Pete according to Dave. We discuss his abilities, theme song, and a little of his back story. We also talk about what the real 24th hero could potentially be following the Atlas News story on Efi Oladele. And seriously, none of us really enjoy playing Sombra. It's sad.
JB ruins a competitive game for Dave, Brandon is out sick, JB reverses his opinion about Capture the Rooster, and apparently CTR has been insanely popular. It all makes us feel like gigantic shoulder-boobs. (That's what shoulder-pads were for in the 80's, BTW.) We also talk all about what's coming on the PTR, Server Browser, and Custom Games. And Dave shows off his mad Lucio wall-riding skils. Big, meaty goodness!
The giveaway winners from our 20th episode are announced! Plus we talk about how Lunar New Year is the worst holiday so far! OK, that might be an overstatement, but the holiday is not being well received by the people we play with. Dave, JB, and Brandon talk about the holiday, their frustrations, bugs that were introduced, and fan-made heroes!
Our 20th episode! A giveaway and a new logo! The Lunar New Year event is going strong. We discuss our favorite skins, the new arcade mode: Capture the Rooster (Flag), the dev updates from the past two weeks, and try to help both Dave and JB with their performance issues.
New voice lines between Genji and Mercy? Is there a Valentine's event being planned? Dave shares with us some secrets of Symmetra's crazy crotch corners on Oasis. Lucio can skate backwards on the PTR! And we have some great community stuff this week including a fairy skin for Widowmaker!
We chill in Oasis, talk about how glad we are that Roadhog is getting some changes, discuss that JB was right about Terry Crews being Doomfist, and brainstorm hero abilities.
Thumbnail copyright George Bletsis
Brandon rejoins us this week as we discuss what we got for Christmas, how Symmetra changed a competitive game, and that you can tell when your opponents have their ult.
Episode image (C) Warner Brothers, A Christmas Story
Very excited to announce Dave (Wildtree) to the show as the official 3rd host! Brandon is unable to join us this week due to being on holiday airport duty, but Dave and JB have fun talking about hydrants, Winter Wonderland, training in custom games, news from the dev update, and the latest Overwatch comic.
Winter Wonderland has hit the servers and it's awesome! The Symmetra changes are also live. Wildtree joins us again to talk about our impressions, what skins we've spent credits on, and Dave asks Umphy for a millenial perspective.
WWJD bracelets have nothing on us. The key to life? Approach it Like Lucio. Copyrighted, suckas!
JB and Brandon are back Post-BlizzCon 2016 and ready to chat!
Welcoming Sawfty and Ovadrive from the Overcast podcast and welcoming back Dan from Geek All Stars! Round table predictions about BlizzCon 2016.
We're back! Just the two of us. All about Halloween and other things.
Ten episodes and we're still here! We talk with Scott Kurtz, creator of PVPOnline as well as Steve Hamaker, creator of Plox and colorist extraordinaire. Congrats to our give-away winner, ssrjazz!
The incredible Barnacules (BARN-uh-kleez) joins us to talk about Overwatch and we turn it into the Overwatch counseling couch with a discussion about ADHD, depression, medication, and how it all relates to Overwatch.
Social media diva, Amber Osborne (aka Miss Destructo) joins us this week to talk Overwatch in VR, what the console version is like, favorite heroes, and shoot the breeze.