It's time for all the Overwatch smurfs to be dealt with. And Hanzo's scatter arrow too! Lishadra and TheBigJB discuss these issues along with commentary on another Dev Update.
The 2018 Lunar New Year event has arrived. We talk about the new map, the changes to CTF, along with a couple new features that released as well!
The crew discusses what our history is with Blizzard products along with a recent developer update about Mercy and toxicity in the community.
Cosmetic updates are here! And they're in normal loot boxes! We talk about our favorites, Blizzard World, and some D.Va strategies.
So much happened in 2017 and so much is going to happen in 2018. We talk about Jeff Kaplan's developer update, all the things that we received from Overwatch in 2017 and what we're hoping for in 2018.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! We're discussing one trick ponies, Blizzard policies, Moira in comp, and the latest Overwatch comic.
Winter Wonderland is here and we're rating our favorite skins, talk about the new Yeti Hunter Event, and discuss role choices. Is it better to pick what your team needs or what you're good at playing?
Hopefully they're the same thing?
It's our 50th episode and we announce the winner of our giveaway. We also announce the new intro and outro as well as a couple other goodies. And we talk about why Doomfist sucks.
If that seems like clickbait, you're right.
Music copyright Dan Bull and used with permission.
Christi and Sarah are back! Listen for details on how to win prizes for our 50th episode, opinions on Moira, and Winter Wonderland predictions like what costumes we think we'll see, pricing, and special maps or events.
Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat!
Stay for the exciting 50th episode contest announcement toward the end!
JB flying solo this week because Sarah has holiday prep to take care of and Christi's voice is shot. He reviews the interesting information from the the Overwatch Archive panel from Blizzcon 2017, great insights from the Overwatch Concept Art book, and why he is sick and tired of character "shipping".
Oh, Blizzard! How we love thee! This week we're talking all about what we got right and what we were off on in our BlizzCon predictions; and about what Blizzard and games mean to us.
Christi also enlightens us on the connection between Lucio and the frogs! Here's the article she cites:úcio-and-the-muiraquitã
We start off talking about the end of the Halloween Terror event then suddenly realize it's the show before BlizzCon! After covering the gist of many of the topics we switch to our predictions for BizzCon 2017.
In your app, tap for the full description to get links to the informational content.
Halloween event ends on November 1st.
New comic for this year’s Halloween Terror is cool!
Where’s Ana's parrot??
New app with cool new social features including sending lootboxes to your friends!
Winston shield health marker on PTR. Just like Orisa and Reinhardt.
Voice line spamming is an actionable offense.
Where to find us on social media:
Sarah: @ThatGamerGrl,, ArtStation - ThatGamerGrl
Christi: @lishadracb,,
JB: @voiceofthebigjb,,
Is Mercy a must-have following the changes? We feel like that's true. And what are these rumors of changes to Genji and Junkrat on the PTR? We once again discuss the downside of making rapid changes. We also dig into the Halloween event, what Mei's skin is all about (jiangshi from Chinese mythology), and Mercy concept art!
In your app, tap for the full description to get links to the informational content.
Patchnotes covering Mercy's changes
Confirmation of what Christi said about Mercy being a must-have:
Article: Almost everyone is playing Mercy
Cool Community Stuff:
Cultist Zenyatta (and check out artist's Twitter)
Where to find us on social media:
Sarah: @ThatGamerGrl,, ArtStation - ThatGamerGrl
Christi: @lishadracb,,
JB: @voiceofthebigjb,,
We crave your ratings!
Welcome, Sarah!
The Meat
The Little Things
Old and Noob
Advice from both experience levels
Cool Community Stuff
New segment dedicated to something we love so much about Blizz products.
Lots of good news for 2017's Summer Games:
Doomfist opinions:
Spawn changes for defenders.
New, unannounced Blizzard project.
Playing multiple heroes keeps the game more interesting than specializing in just one.
Cool community stuff: animated hero portraits
Here's everything we talk about in this week's episode:
Cool Community Stuff:
Sad Announcement: Brandon is taking a hiatus for awhile.
Thanks to spankyhunter for sending us stuff via Twitter that he thought would be good for the show!